Serial renovation

Extensions, quarter development and much more.

What do we offer?
In cooperation with Terhalle Holzbau GmbH we offer serial renovation in timber construction from one source. Fast, high quality, project specific, ecological and climate friendly. In doing so, we offer the entire process from the design to the customized end product, including individual building owner consultation, professional subsidy consultation and application. Structural requirements such as redensification, floor extensions or interior refurbishment are considered and implemented in addition to serial refurbishment.

What is our task here?
For more than fifteen years, we have been enthusiastically creating forward-looking concepts for the built environment. This also includes building in existing structures, in particular the energy-efficient refurbishment of existing properties, as this is where there is a high potential for CO2 savings. In partnership with Terhalle Holzbau GmbH, we are a total solution provider for the refurbishment of apartment buildings in order to preserve and enhance the value of existing buildings.

Why is serial renovation so important right now? 
The Climate Protection Law sets out the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Germany by 65 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 and achieving greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045 (source: Federal Environment Agency). The building sector plays a crucial role in achieving the climate targets. The building stock must be extensively renovated in terms of energy efficiency in order to increase the overall energy efficiency in the building sector and meet the climate protection goals of the German government. According to the German Energy Agency (dena), this would correspond to a daily refurbishment rate of around 2,500 houses (source: dena).

Such a refurbishment rate can hardly be achieved with conventional refurbishment. And this is where serial refurbishment according to the Energiesprong principle comes into play. The Energiesprong concept can transform an old residential building into a high-quality Net Zero building in a very short time. Energiesprong, Dutch for "energy leap," refers to the serial renovation of existing buildings by assembling prefabricated facade and roof elements with built-in building and systems technology. These are manufactured in a factory on the basis of a 3D scan of the existing building for an exact fit. The prefabricated, floor-to-ceiling modules are then transported to the building and can be directly attached to the facade and roof on site in just a few days using minimally invasive procedures. The old windows are then removed, as new windows are already included in the serial facade modules. Only the window soffits still have to be fitted and trimmed on site.

The assembly is precise, low-emission and fast. The tenants of the existing building are hardly restricted by the short construction time, low noise pollution and lack of scaffolding in front of the facade. The prefabrication of the facade and roof elements as modules makes the system economically attractive, especially when scaled up.
The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) promotes serial refurbishment (source: BMWK). The program "Promotion of Serial Refurbishment" aims to further increase the overall energy efficiency in the building sector. Funding can be provided in two modules: with a feasibility study and through the development and testing of serial renovation components for individual pilot projects.

greeen! architects gmbh
Derendorfer road 52
40479 Duesseldorf

Contact person:
Ariane Bischoff
Head of serial refurbishment
Phone: +49 173 63 48 005

E-Mail: abischoff(at)
