We celebrate our anniversary: 15 years greeen! architects
We are overwhelmed and proud. 15 years of architecture, creativity and innovation!
A big thank you to all our colleagues, collaborators, project partners and our clients! It is only through your commitment, enthusiasm and bubbling creativity that our common visions have become reality.
In 2008, at that time still in Düsseldorf's Medienhafen, we started with two computers, a telephone and many innovative ideas. And that at a time that was marked by the real estate crisis.
Today - 15 years later - we are a team of 20 employees based in Düsseldorf Pempelfort, with numerous completed major projects and significant new projects for the future. We are committed to progressive development processes such as ESG, building with wood, the circular economy and sustainable urban development. Then as now, we think ahead in our everyday life as well as in our projects and plan for future challenges. Inspired by our small and large successes, today we look to the future with pride and full of expectation. Here's to the next 15 years of greeen! architects!