Fahlberg-List Magdeburg

Magdeburg, Germany


A future-oriented urban quarter in Magdeburg

Sustainable and future-oriented quarter with 1,200m of Elbe promenade


  • Development of a mixed urban quarter for people of all ages offering living, working, leisure, sport and culture
  • Creation of up to 1,000 jobs and 3,100 apartments
  • Public city park for the whole community with livability
  • Barrier-free urban quarter
  • 1,200m Elbe promenade with Elbe cycle path and Elbe terraces
  • Different forms and typologies of housing including price-regulated housing
  • Large-scale decontamination of a contaminated site and former industrial area
  • Diverse types of residential units to promote social cohesion
  • Promotion of the neighborhood concept through an open block structure with semi-public courtyard areas


  • Establishment of a sustainable and resilient urban quarter through a holistic urban development concept
  • Renaturation of the Elbe riverbank and nature-oriented access routes along the Elbe promenade
  • A district that is as CO2-neutral as possible with the use of energy synergies appropriate to the location
  • Minimization of motorized private transport through a wide range of alternative mobility options: walkable city
  • Water management and circular rainwater drainage system
  • Intelligent waste management
  • Promotion and expansion of biodiversity and animal-aided design
  • Building materials from bio-based and recyclable building materials: Circular economy
  • Solar design orientation and high albedo factors


  • Neighborhood of short distances for the establishment of a neighborhood concept
  • Mixed use for different resident structures
  • Smart city concept
  • Digital neighborhood management via a neighborhood app
  • Creation of a high urban density with sustainable land consumption simultaneously
  • Efficient space utilization with high urban flexibility
  • Resilient urban spaces to respond flexibly to future needs
  • Flexible and adaptable urban spaces
  • Diversified public spaces for multiple uses


approx. 400.000 m² / Scope 35 hectares

Design team

Marc Böhnke, Mario Reale, Wolfgang Sattler mit Nina Vegelahn, Sophia Haid, Alessia Mistretta, Lisa Schirk, Marija Vogel, Nita Sula (Nachhaltigkeit), Abhinav Bhardwaj and Giorgia Tomasello (Model building).


Städtebaulicher Entwurf mit Sattler + Täger Architekten (partner architects), Landeshauptstadt Magdeburg, Steinbrecher u. Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH (urban land use planning, species protection), BIG - Prof. Burmeier Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH (remediation of contaminated sites), M&P -Ingenieurgesellschaft (remediation of contaminated sites, security building structure), Ingenieurbüro Buschmann GmbH (traffic planning), IBW - Ingenieurbüro für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft GmbH, Büro Happold (energy, mobility, climate, certification, sustainability) und CDMN GmbH Düsseldorf (visualization).


City district development in the state capital of Magdeburg

For many decades, the Fahlberg-List chemical plant shaped the south-east of Magdeburg. Now it is undergoing an incredible transformation: on an area of 35 hectares, the equivalent of around 44 soccer fields, a sustainable and forward-looking urban district with various commercial uses as well as residential typologies and designs is to be built by 2035. Over 3,100 apartments are planned and up to 1,000 new jobs will be created at the location.

Sustainable and future-oriented urban quarter with 1,200m of Elbe promenade

Over the next 10-15 years, the current industrial wasteland will develop into a sustainable and futuristic urban quarter. The quarter will meet the needs of the residents of today and tomorrow and will be sustainable, smart, multifunctional, resource-saving, inclusive and family-friendly in all spheres of life. Cultural facilities, stores for daily needs, restaurants and three daycare centers will ensure vibrancy and sense of community.

The green center of the area also provides the opportunity to integrate a park landscape for culture, leisure and sport into the urban area, creating a spacious place for recreation and socializing. The surrounding areas of Alt Salbke and Westerhüsen will also benefit from this, as the striking visual axes through the new urban quarter take up existing streets and extend them to the Elbe. A previously closed area opens up completely and allows all Magdeburg residents and their guests unhindered and barrier-free access to the Elbe. Here, the quarter borders on an attractive and lively Elbe riverbank promenade over a length of 1,200 meters, which leads the Elbe cycle path along the riverbank through the entire new city quarter.

Sustainability and innovative solutions

In terms of construction technology and building services engineering, the project is looking far into the future. Particular emphasis is being placed on sustainability, with ecological rainwater retention basins in the sense of a sponge city and a largely car-free district that is already thinking about future mobility concepts. The district will also be energy-independent. 
A holistic concept that will have many positive effects both regionally and nationally - for a new future for the south of Magdeburg.


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