Heinrich-Heine-Platz Düsseldorf
City centre, Düsseldorf, Germany
Completion end of 2021
32.700 m²
Design team
Marc Böhnke, Mario Reale, Kim-Cathrine Loch, Nina Vegelahn, Lia Polczyk, Matthias Stemmer, Silvan Baum, Tak Tam
Liskes + Schiffer ÖbVI (survey), Lerzer Ingenieur- und Planungsgesellschaft mbH (structure), Kaiser+Fülgraff Beratende Ingenieure GmbH (MEP), Ingenieurbüro f. Brandschutz Winter (fire prevention), Köhler Ing.büro f. TGA (electricity), burkhardt usability architects (accessibility-concept), bloomimages (visualization), Andreas Hagemann (photos)
The design of the area on Harkortstraße near the main station Düsseldorf is the winner of an urban development competition. An urban space is being created on the fallow ground of a former car-loading station. Three hotels with gastronomy on the ground floor and a new pedestrian zone from Konrad-Adenauer-Platz to Mintropplatz will be created. The conversion of an infrastructure area into an urban area enhances the environment of Düsseldorf's central station and has positive effects on the entire site. The attractiveness of the station forecourt will be increased and an urban connection between Fürstenplatz in Friedrichstadt and Worringer Platz in Flingern South will be made. The interaction of the different buildings as well as the materials create a diversity in the unity. The brass-colored metal cladding surrounds the three buildings and connects them.
City centre, Düsseldorf, Germany
Hansaallee/Schwalmstraße, Düsseldorf, Germany
Roßstraße / Johannstraße, Düsseldorf, Germany