Urban District Lößniger Straße

Leipzig, Germany

City quarter Lößniger Straße in Leipzig, Germany.
City quarter Lößniger Straße in Leipzig, Germany.
City quarter Lößniger Straße in Leipzig, Germany.
City quarter Lößniger Straße in Leipzig, Germany.
Bayerischer Bahnhof Leipzig
Bayerischer Bahnhof Leipzig
Bayerischer Bahnhof Leipzig
City quarter Lössniger Straße, Leipzig, Germany
City quarter Lößniger Straße in Leipzig, Germany.
City quarter Lößniger Straße in Leipzig, Germany.
City quarter Lößniger Straße in Leipzig, Germany.
City quarter Lößniger Straße in Leipzig, Germany.
Bayerischer Bahnhof Leipzig
Bayerischer Bahnhof Leipzig
Bayerischer Bahnhof Leipzig
City quarter Lössniger Straße, Leipzig, Germany


Master planning

Development of a new, sustainbable urban area


  • Development of a new, sustainbable urban area
  • An innovative urban quarter will be created through small-scale mixed use
  • Development of a new urban quarter in continuation and further development of the structure of the inner southern suburb with a mix of residential, service, commercial and day-care facilities
  • Different forms of housing create a wide range of living accommodation for different population groups
  • Formation of a structural edge
  • The building contractor and the City of Leipzig have agreed that at least 30% of the floor area will be residential housing with subsidised rent and occupancy
  • Green areas for all residents


  • Development of a brownfield site
  • Access to spacious green space
  • The high points of the quarter towards the park are located in such a way that they do not restrict any important visual axis
  • Water retention
  • Only few cars in the quarter
  • Relocation and species protection
  • Energy generation
  • Green façades


  • Continuation of an urban planning competition
  • Optimization of space utilization by modifying the urban configuration
  • Diverse and flexible mix of uses
  • Early involvement of all stakeholders (citizens, city, technical planners) in the planning process


130.000 m²

Design team

Marc Böhnke, Mario Reale, Nina Vegelahn, Rüdiger Becker, Klaus Frankenheim, Olga Karnstädt, Jesmine Musliu, Lisa Schirk, Nita Sula, Oscar Manuel Cid Escalante, Dima Meiqari, Lia Polczyk, Cordula Schneider, Marija Vogel


Vestico (visualization), MOOD (visualization); Design, planning and realization greeen! architects and dgk architekten


The inner-city planning area to be developed for the Stadtraum Bayerischer Bahnhof project is located in the southern suburbs and centre-southeast of Leipzig, on the western side of the railway trough to the city tunnel, between Kohlenstrasse, Lößniger Strasse and Kurt-Eisner-Strasse. Along Lößniger Straße fragments of a closed residential area can be found. To the east, the planning area is bordered by brownfield, which is being developed as a district park with a total area of approximately 8 ha.

The urban space Bayerischer Bahnhof was planned in 2011 within the framework of an urban planning competition with the development goal of a new, sustainable urban area. Planned is the development of a new urban quarter in continuation of the structure of the inner southern suburb with a mix of residential, service and residential-compatible commercial uses with a compact building density typical of the city centre.

A small-scale mixture will create a liveable and innovative urban quarter. Different forms of housing will create a wide range of housing for different population groups. A diverse and flexible mix of uses will enable the urban character of the quarter. Small-scale retail, retail-related and gastronomy uses serving the planning area are to be provided for. Within the individual blocks, a mixture of residential forms will create a dynamic urban quarter.

Design, planning and realization greeen! architects and dgk architekten.


Timber Construction Urban Public Germany Europe
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