Breathe – New Urban Village

Christchurch, New Zealand

Design for a district development in Christchurch in New Zealand by the Düsseldorf architect firm greeen! architects.
Design for a district development in Christchurch in New Zealand by the Düsseldorf architect firm greeen! architects.
Design for a district development in Christchurch in New Zealand by the Düsseldorf architect firm greeen! architects.
Design for a district development in Christchurch in New Zealand by the Düsseldorf architect firm greeen! architects.
Design for a district development in Christchurch in New Zealand by the Düsseldorf architect firm greeen! architects.
Design for a district development in Christchurch in New Zealand by the Düsseldorf architect firm greeen! architects.


Competion, 2013

Competition organizers: Christchurch


  • Creation of publicly accessible green areas
  • Creation of affordable housing
  • Multi-generational living
  • Urban repair: reconstruction after earthquake


  • Ecologically sustainable reconstruction
  • Short transport routes of local building materials
  • Use of natural building materials


  • Efficient use of the area
  • Use of local building materials


ca. 10.000 m²

Design team

Marc Böhnke, Mario Reale, Julian Konti, Birthe Simon, Hanna Zwinge


James Daniels (Ngai Tahu consultant), Ian Bywater (energyconcept), Dr. Colin Meurk (landscaping), Justin Prain (development)


The design intention is to provide a housing environment which, using currently available construction techniques and technologies, is efficient in terms of net energy demand, durable, has low maintenance requirements, relates well with the surrounding environment and is functional. A primary objective in regard to ‘livability’ is that the development connects with its surroundings in positive ways. The overall design concept of the ground level is to enhance communication, wherever possible, bring all generations together and create a community spirit. Furthermore, the project makes extensive use of green roofs, which includes the directly accessible elevated open spaces wherever appropriate and possible.


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